my publishing banner
to me, the world of publishing as it currently exists is not conducive to the sharing of our truest art or our most genuine self-expression. it is with this in mind that i am releasing all my books under the name of bone-deep books, my own system of releasing my art. this is my attempt to establish my own way of publishing my writings how i see fit, as well as keeping as much of my work as i can under one banner: my own.
what i value about sharing my work is sharing it. i create because i love to, and i want to give the art i create to as many people as possible. the priority of publishing my own books is to value my own artistic image for my work above all else. no compromises, no third-party changes, no judgments. just me creating my work to share, and you receiving my work to enjoy. i hope that the spirit of bone-deep books will help me to accomplish this.
the more i understand myself and the world around me, the more i come to realize that the current state of art commercialization, "content creation," and the industrialization of writing are in nearly complete opposition to the environment authentic art flourishes in. our most genuine art comes from within ourselves; an atmosphere of free creation breeds the truest art we want to create, unfettered by restrictions that ultimately mean nothing and do nothing but stifle our work. in expressing my true self, i realized that being published by some big corporate house, or having fame attached to my name, or selling my work just to sell work and have work to sell, or having a career based in this industry of false creation, while seeming like cool and exciting opportunities, ultimately served against my true purpose.
for me, and i know for many others, it is, above anything else, about making the art i want to make— the truest form of self-expression, exposing whatever is in my soul that i want to create, giving my writing to the world and myself— and never compromising on it. i do not write for universal appeal. i do not write to cater to a publisher. i write for myself and my expression of self. i write because i want to tell a story.
and that, right there, is what it boils down to: i write because i want to. i don't want to have a book of mine sit unread on a shelf because i was afraid. i don't want to have a story of mine untold because a publisher wasn't the audience for it. i don't want to stop myself from creating because i don't know who to create for. i am creating for myself. everything else is a bonus— the greatest bonus ever, which is connecting with my fellow humans over something i wrote that truly came from my soul, unchanged, exposed, real, and mine.
this is my personal approach to my world and to my art, and, as always, i am always discovering more about myself. while i am always open to changing my mind about things, or hearing more information, or being flexible as i move forward, i believe that releasing many of the restrictions society has placed on art and publishing my own work myself will be majorly important to my growth as a writer, as an artist, as a creator, and as a person, as a human being. i have nothing but love for people who choose different artistic paths such as traditional publishing, because that is what art is all about! for me, this doesn't work— but, for others, it might work perfectly, and it's exactly how they want to create. that's wonderful, and i encourage it! i discovered a different path to follow myself, and i am trusting the joy and confidence i feel in following it.
of course, as with everything in my art, this process is very much a work in progress! i had an idea, and i am trying it out and working out the kinks, which is the only way to learn if an idea works! please have patience with me as i figure this all out (the books, and also life)!
[some editions may have the name attached, some may not!]
my first book, venus, taught me a lot about what i like about writing, what i like about publishing, and, most importantly, what i don't like about either, all of which were vital for me to learn. i had incredible experiences with wonderful friends working at backpack digital, and they helped me put out this, my first book. because of this, venus has not been re-released under bone-deep books.