a horror
Life isn't fair. Why would death be any different?
Blaine Goodwin moves into the Lighthouse on Skyreef Refuge to save the old place. Their husband, Harvey, restores places to their former glory; Blaine is the one who preserves them, revitalizes them, bringing them into the light once again. There's something special about coming to an old home nobody's lived in for years and making it feel human again.
The longer they reside in the Skylight, though, the stranger things become. Words whisper on the winds; storms batter the island; saltwaters consume them in living rot; the day-to-day of their lives becomes swallowed by the something that never left the old decommissioned lighthouse. Uncovering the spirit won't satisfy her, however. She wants something more from them; she wants something she lost herself, long ago. Blaine's quest of restoration instead becomes one of searching, understanding, and reaching through the veil to the hands clawing out from the other side.
A ghost story like no other, decommissioned: a horror will take audiences on a tense, terrifying journey through the haunted saltscape of New England. In exploring the cursed nightmare that is Blaine's life on Skyreef Refuge, author Nicole Mello gives readers an ethereal, evocative story of horror, home, and humanity that is cinematic, intimate, and will leave you questioning what matters, what doesn't, and what it truly means to be alive.

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